Reiki 1 & Reiki 11 Attunements
i have been a reiki Master for 18 years and I am also a spiritual Healer. There is nothing I love more than helping people along on their spiritual pathway. As a full time working medium, my personal journey is to connect people with the energy of the spirit world and all the spiritual wonders that come with it. Whether it be healing or in mediumship, I believe that we all have gifts to help others and this is a major part of our journey.
Due to my work commitments I can only offer Reiki Courses on a week day and some Saturdays, So if you would love me to be your Reiki Master please fill out the form at the bottom of the page for updates and dates to be announced later.
All training days run from 10 am to 4.00 pm
Please bring a packed lunch
Limited to only 6 people per Reiki Course

Reiki 1 Attunment (Shoden)
Reiki is a powerful spiritual experience and consequently is not taught as other healing techniques are taught. The ability to attune to the Reiki frequency is passed from Master to student during an attunement process that opens the Crown; Heart and Palm Chakras.
This process also creates a special link between the Master and the student. The process is a direct channel from the Rei or Universal God Force giving the student exactly what they require. This explains why students report widely differing experiences during the attunement process.
The process, although conducted by the Master is attended by Reiki guides and helpers.
Many students experience visions, or receive messages and healing during this very special time.
Reiki attunements bring a spiritual cleansing of the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Sometimes students do go through a release of emotional energy and begin to see a refinement of their belief structures and feelings.
This process also opens your mediumistic abilities and I will help, encourage and explain the deeper connection.
Courses are held in Bristol
10am - 4pm
Saturday 10th February 2024
Deposit £60
Feel free to email for Bookings, future dates and all no commitment enquiries
Reiki 11 ( Okuden)Â Healing Others

You will receive further empowerments and attunements. You will learn further techniques which can be used in greater depth and this course prepares you to work with others if you wish.
Identifying 4 different types of energy and their uses—4 symbols
Second degree attunements.
Unanswered Questions from Reiki 1 will be answered
Synergising energies
Distance Healing
How to increase the flow of energy
Body Scanning techniques
Balancing Techniques
Further work with guides and angels
Manual and certificate
Understanding your gifts of mediumship and how to trust and embrace what you have naturally brought about through meditation and the intent of wanting to help people.
Courses are held in Bristol
Reiki 11
Deposit £70
Feel free to email for Bookings, future dates and all no commitment enquiries