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On the Road with Clairvoyant Medium Bernie Scott.

I first met Bernie when I was invited by my sister to sit in circle, I thought I was just going for a 30 minute mediation, but in-fact I was told that it was not all about the mediation as that was one aspect but, about developing the gifts we already have. Each person in the group had the potential to be the best they could be in the field they wanted to develop.

For me my interest had always been in the healing aspect, such as Reiki, Reflexology and Animal healing and communication. But as time went on, I found that having a link with your guides really helps too.

So on goes my search for more, proof that life after death does exist and also the purpose and good that people gain from receiving messages at a Clairvoyant Medium demonstration.

I first saw a medium about 10 years ago in a spiritualist church but wasn't really keen on the church structure of things as I had come from a background where religion was forced feed to me and a resented it, so I was looking to move away from any church structure and was glad when Clairvoyant Medium demonstrations were not just held in churches but halls and social clubs. I'm sure there are lots of people out there who feel the same as me so we can now experience a demo in a more comfortable place to us.

The structure of the evening is always the same, the medium is introduced and he/she then starting with an opening prayer, This I think is to show respect to the spirit world and also make the place safe.

Then to raise the energy in the room, music is played and the crowd have a sing song, In Bernie's centre the tunes are more upbeat and modern which is lovely as there is a mixture of both older and younger people, her door is always open to all.

Then there is a healing book that people can add the names of the sick or people who are in need of healing. The names are then read out along with a healing prayer. 

Then on with the proceeding. Bernie tells the congregation a bit about herself and how she works. Some mediums know exactly who they are going to and others get the information and throw it out to the audience to get a voice link and go from there, it really depends on how the mediums guides work with them.

Bernie tells us that when she was younger she wanted to have the gifts of a medium called Doris Stokes and also wanted to be a pop star, but was given some of Doris's gifts but unfortunately sings like a cat (which I can say is True lol) :-). She is given songs that help her pass on messages as the song is either important or the words of the songs have a meaning.

So the evening begins, she describes a man who doesn't have one of his legs. Does anyone know a man who has passed that had a leg removed. It takes a while for a man in the corner to answer and say that he knows him, she then goes on to say a bit about his character and how he passed away to verify that she has the right link, she is drawn back to the leg which she finds a bit strange and asked if the leg was removed because of gangrene, the man in the corner then says yes it fell off. She tells the man that he and this person which was now identified as his father went shooting together, she also said that there were rabbits up in the spirit world to, the man replied yes and they tasted lovely too. Well this just goes to show that you have to give what you are seeing as there is always a reason why. The audience were uplifted that night with both the sense of humour of spirit world and the person taking the message. (It's not all about doom and gloom).

On another link she asks if anyone had lost a child that had suffocated or chocked as she was getting the feeling of something being stuck in the throat, there was a lady in the audience who could take this. Bernie then brought in a lady with the baby, who showed her briefly what had happened to them both in some detail as the passing was a painful one. Bernie was careful to say what had happened, the lady and baby in spirit felt that justice hadn't been done. Bernie would not of known of the incident as she was not from the area but the attention to detail was spot on. The lady in the audience was so glad to hear from her and that she and the baby were now okay and healing, she could also pass on this information onto the family. This to me was so important as when people are murdered or die suddenly we are always left feeling, Did they know? Did they suffer how are they now? That could just be the message that ladies mother needed to hear to help her move on.

The nights go on and more and more people receive messages.

Dogs coming in and Bernie describing them but unable to see the sex of the dog as she doesn't see the under carriage, they then bring in more loved ones. Messages linked to people in the audience and also messages that need to be passed onto other relatives and friends. The communicator would usually describe being around someone in a situation or hearing a conversation that was spoken earlier that day to get to the individual who the message needs to go too. Relevant names, places, dates for birth, celebration or passing all given in the message.

One of the things that I have learnt is that people need to think past their close friends and family as the communicator could be a neighbour, a school friend, or an acquaintance in their past. This was such the case for me, when she brought through a man that had died in a house fire, then talked about a memory that I do recall when I met the young man in question, the mans message to me was that being to friendly and trusting was what got him killed and for me not to be the same, which was indeed the case. I did know a young man who was murdered and his flat was set of fire to hide the evidence, the murders where found and punished. It does help me to know that life goes on and he is no longer suffering. 

So I go back to my question, "Why do people go to Clairvoyant Demos" Closure on both sides, Comfort, Answers, Communication Proof, Names, Places, Dates, Evidence that they have been around, Why they have come to communicate and Message they have for you. (It's an individual need),

But seeing Bernie Scott work has shown me how much comfort and joy she has brought to people when she is demonstrating and I look forward to seeing much more.



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Copyright Bernie Scott Medium ©2008 | Bernie Scott Psychic Medium Based Bristol UK - Please note that all courses, demonstrations, workshops and Readings are for educational, experimental and entertainment purposes only.

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